Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Truthful Tuesday

I've seen some of my blogging friends participate in this so I wanted to give it a try. Something has really hit me lately and it fits perfect with this label:

The truth is:

watching your parents age and their health decline is depressing!! I know I am blessed to have had them for this long because not everyone has that opportunity and I am grateful, but the truth is it doesn't make it any easier as I watch their struggles!

I've been blessed with the best parents any girl could hope for! My mom is a small woman and she was always full of life, spunk, and a fiery personality. I knew that I could count on her for anything and that no one would do anything to me because my mom would take care of it!!These days she is weak and doesn't have a lot of spunk left, but has the most beautiful blue eyes and sweetest smile. I still love the way she looks at me and holds onto my hand with her fragile hand before I leave each time. The truth is...that always brings tears to my eyes!

My dad is amazing. He is a big man and the sweetest, most humble man I have ever known. He has loved me unconditionally and made me feel like the most important person in the world my whole life. When I walk in their house or talk to him on the phone, he acts like it is the best thing that has happened all day! He takes great care of my mom and always says what a pleasure it is for him to do it and that God has been so good to them. The truth is...he is tired, but he wouldn't admit it.

I hope I've told them enough how much they mean to me and what a wonderful life they provided for me. I hope they know how thankful I am for them and their love!!

The truth is...I'm going to keep telling them for as long as I can!!


  1. Now I have to fix my mascara!!! LOL!!
    How sweet....it doesn't matter how old we are we are never ready to not have our mom or dad!!
    What a sweet tribute to them and I know you....you have told them and they know how much you love them and what they mean to you!!

  2. Okay - I've had my cry for the day Jackie. I'm blessed to have read that. The one thing I remember most about the last days of my mom's life was gently holding her hand and wishing it would never end. Love them, laugh with them, and talk with them often because once it is gone it is a huge whole in your heart. Love you girl
