God has taught me so much over the past few months, but especially over the past few weeks! As I prepared for the retreat and all through the weekend God spoke to me through music, His Word, and other Christian ladies.
One of my friends wrote about her experience at the retreat and it inspired me to get on my blog and share some things going on in my life. Check her out at
The Four of Us.I love worship music and we had some wonderful worship music at the retreat. Some of my favorites played were: Our God, Jesus Messiah, How Great is Our God, and How Great Thou Art. In Our God it says, And if our God is for us, then who could ever stop us and if our God is with us, than what could stand against?? That is some good stuff!!
We always have great speakers that God uses to share exactly what we need to hear, but this year, He could have tapped me on the back and said, "Jackie, this one is for you!" Our opening speaker was wonderful (as they all were) and shared with us our the importance of self worth and who we are in Christ. Emphasis on IN CHRIST! As women, we are so busy, and have so many things going on and we think we have to be great at all of them. I know I do!! I expect a lot out of myself and I get discouraged when one area is not going as well as I would like! I feel like I'm letting some one down if all areas of my life aren't going well. I feel like I've got to be everything to everybody: the best wife, mom of the year, the best sister, the best friend, the best small group leader, etc. It is overwhelming! God reminded me that I don't have to do all this! Lean on Him. And as he reminded me through several family members throughout the week and again at the retreat: God is enough! It's not all up to me! He is ENOUGH!
So what does God is Enough look like to me in my life? It means, when I'm stressed out as a mom and feeling the pressure, slow down, pray, seek God's wisdom. When our schedule is crazy and I don't feel like I'm being the best wife, again, slow down, pray, and seek God's wisdom. When comments hurt, when people lose touch, when relationships change, I remember these things don't define me. God defines me. When work is stressful, remember my priorities. When I can't fit everything in, I remember it's ok. I don't have to be everything to everybody!
What a freeing truth! Of course I still struggle with pleasing people and pray often throughout the day. Most of the prayers are simple prayers for God to just help me through a situation or help me with an emotion I'm struggling with.
I'm so thankful for all that He is teaching me and how He is growing me!
I hope you will take the time to find your true self in Christ, not in what others define you as, but what God created you to be.