I gave my last TAKS test this week!!
My son is finished with his TAKS tests!
My daughter has one more TAKS test and then finished! See the pattern: ENOUGH of the TAKS!!!!!
My daughter made the STARS (the dance team she tried out for)
I'm so thankful for all the support from family and friends through the "try out" process! (STRESS)
The weather has been gorgeous!
Great work team that supports each other through the stress of the TAKS test.
My students worked so hard!
The biggest thing I'm thankful for is this:
My little family!! Today is Keith's birthday and we are celebrating with dinner and his favorite cake!! This is a picture of us from last year at his 40th birthday. I love celebrating birthdays!! The kids have grown so much! Time is flying...I'm so thankful that God has shown me to slow down, enjoy the little moments!
I'm thankful God gave me the perfect man for me! Happy Birthday Keith!!!!

This is us in Colorado this past summer!

Any time I think of things I'm thankful for, these three are on top of the list!
What a HUGE blessing they are to me!!
Good list!