I've been listening to my nephew teach the past Sundays on Ephesians and I love all God has been showing me. You know how you can hear or read the same scripture repeatedly and then one day God shows you something new or you finally "get it"? Well, that seems to be happening to me a lot over the past months. So, to do with marriage, this is what I've been focusing on and some points my nephew made:
1. We can show the world Christ and His church through our husband/wife relationship.
2. The Bible says: Wives submit to your husbands as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is also the head of the church. (Eph. 5:22-23) and later in vs. 33 it also says the wife must see to it that she respects her husband.
Many wives hear the word submit and think something negative. It sounds like an ugly word to some. That is not what it should be. Submitting to your husband does not mean being his slave, but rather remembering his role and putting him first. Remember he is the spiritual leader of the house.
Some times this is hard for me because of our personalities. Keith is passive and I'm more of a take charge person. I've had to let go of some of that and give Keith the chance to lead. Although I struggle with this at times, I know it is God's plan and I know Keith is capable of leading our family well. So, I try to slow down and intentionally pay attention to my comments or actions and make sure I give Keith his chance to lead. After all, he is more than capable! It makes such a big difference when I do this!
The Bible also says that we are to respect our husbands. There is a lot that can be said about this subject, but I will share something that is very important to me and in our marriage. I do not put my husband down to other people or in front of him to other people. I encourage him and I compliment him. Who doesn't like to receive a sincere compliment? What a difference this can make in your marriage ladies!
Love plays itself out daily in many different choices that we make throughout the day. Will I pick up the socks without griping? Will I ignore a certain comment? Will I compliment him even when I don't "feel" like it? Let's remember love is not a feeling. Love is action.
I've read this statement and thought about it many times over the years: What is it like to live with me? Hmmm, I would hope that most times it is pleasant. I want my husband to be in a hurry to get home to see us. I don't want him to have the desire to be away from home, but to look forward to arriving at home each day. It's made me look at how I greet him, how I act, what I say. Even though some days I am exhausted, I bite my tongue and don't "list out all I've done for the day!!" He works and does a lot around the house as well! I encourage you to make your house a fun, relaxing, peaceful place to be. Notice how you respond to your husband when he arrives at the end of the day. Is there something you need to adjust?
This is a picture of us out to dinner with some of our friends! I love the smile he has on his face. I typically drive him crazy taking pictures, but he's a good sport. I am blessed!

LOVE all that you said!!!! Do yall ever take a bad picture?????