Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Weekly Menu

Monday- Dump Soup (yes, that is what my friend calls it)
small onion Black Beans (drained)
bell pepper Kidney Beans (drained)
2 cans chicken broth
2 cans Mexican Rotel
Rotisserie Chicken
2 cups corn
Saute onion and bell pepper in vegetable oil for about 5 minutes in the soup pot.
Mix in the rest of the ingredients and cook till th0roughly heated. It is delicious! Especially great for cold nights!

Tuesday- Easy Weeknight Beef Enchiladas and Spanish Rice

Wednesday- Meatball Hoagies

Thursday- Chicken Spaghetti and salad (I'll post the recipe later)

Friday- Dinner with friends

Saturday- grilling out

Sunday- Christmas party with my small group

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