Monday, March 21, 2011

Marriage Monday-Date Nights

As I think about our marriage and things that we do to improve it, this is one subject that comes to mind. Date nights. I love to go on date nights or date days. It is always something to look forward to. Years ago I heard a pastor talking and he said something that has stuck with me through the years. He said so many marriages fall apart when the kids are grown and move out because the husband and wife don't know each other anymore. The put so much into the kids, but not into their marriage. They look at each other and think, who are you? I remember hearing that and specifically thinking, "I never want that to be us!!" So, Keith and I have committed to taking time out for just the two of us. I would love to say that we make this weekly, but that just doesn't always work out. We do try to at least have a date night twice a month. We are blessed to have family around here for our children to stay with and now that they are older, it has gotten even easier. Our dates nights range from nice restaurants to movies or cheap eats at a place we love. The main thing is it is time with just the two of us and no interruptions. We take turns planning our evenings out and some times we plan it together. The place or activity we choose also depends on how much money we want to spend and how much time we have to go out. Here are some of our favorites:

Dinner at a favorite restaurant
Winery or wine bar
Our favorite ice cream shop
Sports event/with all the fattening food

Years ago we made a list of dates we would each like to go on. They range from expensive to free. (got this idea from a book I read years ago!) I still have it in one of my notebooks that I refer to for ideas.

For those times when we aren't able to get away, we find time at the end of the night when we've told the kids goodnight and gotten them off to bed. We drink a glass of wine and just spend time talking or watching a movie. Just something easy, but non interrupted and not distracted by the things in life.

I encourage you to make time for date nights. Remember it can be simple! Even if it is once a month. Make a plan and follow through on it. Don't make excuses. It does make for a stronger marriage. I know it is something we enjoy and look forward to.

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